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Your Epic Commitment

I belong to some weight loss motivation type Facebook groups.  I pop in and give my two cents when I have time.  A recent post said this (edited a little for grammar and added some punctuation because I couldn’t take it otherwise):

“I start the gym Monday. I weigh 260 pounds. I want to lose 90 Pounds by May. Do you think I can do it?”

Here was my answer:

“The real question is “do YOU believe you can do it?” That’s the only one that matters. Your commitment is, above all else, what really matters. What do you believe you can do? Because your commitment has to be epic. It has to be so strong that you would rather stay committed than eat something off plan. You would rather stay committed than not go to the gym. Get clear with your own commitment!”

Is your commitment epic? If you are asking other people if you can lose weight, you’re not committed.  If you are waiting to start until Monday, you’re not committed.  If you have a specific time frame that has to be met, you’re not committed.  Commitment means you are willing to work on your weight loss goals starting right now, for as long as it takes, regardless of what other people believe.  It was interesting to me that her post so clearly showed that she had no belief that she could lose weight.

When you set your goals, you actually aren’t in commitment.  You are in excitement. When you join a new gym, you actually aren’t in commitment.  You are in anticipation.  When you look at your goal jeans, you aren’t in commitment.  You are in hope.

The emotion you need for sustainable weight loss is commitment.

Excitement wears off.

Anticipation goes away.

Hope dies.

If we depend on these emotions to get us through our entire weight loss journey, we will ultimately fail.

Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. –Darren Hardy

Commitment is what you need. Commitment is what will get you through not feeling like going to the gym. Commitment is what will prompt you to eat the lunch you have planned.  Commitment is what will drive you to say no to the free food.

Without an epic commitment, you won’t succeed.  Because honestly friends–I rarely feel like working out.  I rarely want to eat the breakfast I have planned.  I rarely want to forego the dessert my kids are eating.  But commitment to health is stronger than my “in the moment” emotions.  I feel annoyed that my garage isn’t warmer–and I workout anyway.  I feel bored with eggs and greens again–and I eat that anyway.  I still desire sugar–and I skip it anyway–all the while feeling the desire and just letting it exist in my brain.  Not pushing it down but noticing my commitment is stronger than my desire to eat something I know doesn’t serve my body.

Having an epic commitment is your starting place.  What is it? Let me know in the comments or drop me an email/DM!

Need help getting into commitment? No problem! Schedule a strategy session with me and I’ll help you! It’s free!

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