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The Perfect Time

When have you started trying to lose weight in the past?

On a Monday?
On the first of the month?
At the New Year?

It doesn’t seem like you can start on a random Thursday afternoon right? You should wait until all the good treats are gone.  You probably should wait until things “calm down.” You should wait till the baby is older. You should wait until your teenager moves out.

This is what your brain offers you.  All these thoughts to keep you safe.  Losing weight is uncomfortable–anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you their magic/easy/fast (read: not long term) weight loss potion.  Your brain does not want to be uncomfortable so it offers you these thoughts about now being a terrible time.

You know what is the right time for you brain? The Monday after never.  Because whenever you reach that “perfect time,” your brain will offer you another time.

The secret is there’s never a more perfect time than right now.


Just get started right now.

No one ever says “I wish I would have waited to get this amazing thing done.”  NO–they only say “I wish I would have started sooner.”

Take the first step.  Just get started.


Drink a glass of water when you were thinking soda.

Order the side salad instead of the extra fries.

Have eggs for breakfast instead of a donut.

Go on a walk.

Just take one step today.

The things that are easy to do are easy not to do. Pick an easy thing and then just do it.

You know what’s easy? Booking a free chat with me.  Click the button below–it takes you right to my calendar and I’ll give you a call.  We can chat through what your current challenge are, and I’ll give you a couple places to start.  Easy.

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