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What is Partner Coaching?

Most of my coaching relationships are 1:1.  I coach you one on one– I coach you through your thoughts and emotions and show you how to take your life into emotional adulthood–with your eating, with your relationship with yourself and others.  The transformation you experience in 12 weeks will be life changing.

However some women want more.  They want not only a coach, but a friend along the way.

In Partner Coaching, it’s 1:2.  I coach you and your friend at the same time.  You listen to her getting coached and she listens to you get coached.  When you listen to someone else’s coaching, you are able to apply that to your own life and often get the same, if not better, results than when you are coached directly.  You aren’t as emotionally involved–that is you aren’t actually feeling her emotions.  You can be more objective in recognizing the solution.  Not only do you get coaching, you get an accountability, or success partner.

Why is accountability important?

According to Pearson’s Law — when performance is measured, it improves; when performance is measured and reported, it improves exponentially.

You not only will measure your own performance in areas such as adherence to your food journal, your scale weight and your sleep hours (or any other health area you are improving), you will also report it to me and to your partner! We will communicate multiple times per week, in between coaching sessions, sharing wins, asking questions and receiving support.

One thing to especially be aware of when choosing your partner–choose someone on the same path that you are on.  Choose someone who is looking forward at what you know you can both accomplish. Try to avoid choosing someone who is vested in you staying how you are.  You know who that person is–the one that always seems to you to be sabotaging your progress.

“Surround yourself with people who remind you more of your future than your past.” — Dan Sullivan

Your brain wants to look to your past as evidence that you will be able to accomplish your goals.  It looks for past experiences–which in the weight loss arena is usually a failure.  It looks back and says “you haven’t succeeded in the past, you won’t succeed now.” I want you (and I’ll teach you how too!) to look to the future.  Use your pre-frontal cortex–that human part of your brain that can plan–to make decisions. Don’t limit your potential based on who you’ve been and what you’ve already accomplished.  Choose a friend that is future focused and is willing to create something that doesn’t currently exist–both with you and for themselves.

I can’t wait to talk to both of you! I suggest you each schedule your own free phone call with me. We will make sure it’s a perfect fit! Click the button below to check my calendar and schedule today!

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