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Be the Last One Done

You know what I find disappointing? Finishing my dinner and noticing that everyone else is still eating! They are still getting to enjoy that delicious chicken I made! The rice! The peppers and broccoli! So disappointing that I’m not still eating too!

Does this happen to you? Then do you think “I’ll just have a little more since they are still eating. . . maybe a little more. . .and more. . .”

I find myself to overeat more when I finish first.  I find a good technique is to be the last one done. This helps me in 2 ways:

  1. I don’t have to feel disappointed that people at the table are still eating when I’m not.
  2. I’ve eaten slowly.

I can handle the disappointment.  I’ve felt it before and I can feel it again.  It’s not a problem.  It’s just an emotion–a vibration in my body.  I just find that I don’t need to feel it. Because if I eat slowly, it doesn’t come up for me.

Being the last one done means you are less likely to go for seconds–food you are unlikely to need.  You are most likely satisfied to a +4 on the Hunger Scale with one plate of food.  Unless you were eating a bowl of broth, you probably don’t need seconds.

When you are the last one done at the table, you have savored each bite.  You have put your fork down in between bites.  You have participated in the conversation.  You have allowed your brain and body to make the connection and notify you that you are starting to fill up.  You have tasted and enjoyed your dinner.  This is awesome.  I love being the last one done.

Try it and let me know how it goes!

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