You’ve been on “It’s a Small World” right? I mean if you’ve been to Disneyland and NOT gone on the Small World ride then have you really even been? I noticed when I was there last summer some of the words to the song. Not hard since they are repeated roughly 537 times.
It’s a world of laughter
A world of tears
It’s a world of hopes
And a world of fears
Do you see it? Even Disneyland is 50/50.
We aren’t supposed to be happy all the time. Half the time there are tears. We aren’t supposed to be hopeful all the time. Because sometimes we should be afraid. There is a time for all the emotions. Half the time they will be positive, and half the time they will be negative. This is the normal human experience!
When we try to be happy all the time, we keep ourselves from feeling discomfort that could end up helping us evolve. Discomfort is the price of growth.
My goal in life coaching is not to try to make you happy all the time. The goal is to help you create a life that is full and real and human. It should contain a lot of contrast on purpose. When you feel grief, or anger, or frustration the goal is not to buffer that away to try to feel good again. The idea is to feel those emotions, process through them and know that you are a human having a human 50/50 experience! We want to feel horrified when something tragic happens–not because that thing shouldn’t have happened, but because it did happen. We want to feel joy when a baby is born. It is all part of our human experience.
It’s part of “It’s a Small World” and it’s part of your world. There should be laughter and tears. There should be hopes and fears. We want to feel both. Nothing has gone wrong here. You are a human having a human experience!
What emotion are you trying to avoid? What emotion do you wish you didn’t have to feel? Book a free strategy session with me and we’ll take a dive into your emotions and what causes them!
P.S.: Sorry that song is stuck in your head now!