My Beliefs:
● I believe food is fuel for your body and that portion awareness is the key to food freedom.
● I believe that there is no end date for healthy eating. I teach my clients a way of eating that will be a long term, sustainable practice.
● I believe “diets” with end dates are just about the worst thing you can do for your mind and body!
● I believe attaching moral judgments to food by labeling them good or bad is harmful– especially because then we label ourselves good or bad for eating those foods!
● I believe the key to long term health and weight management is to pick foods that are fueling for your body 90% of the time. No foods are “off limits” in my programs.
● I believe that movement is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle.
● I believe that loving your body right now is the most beautiful path to change.
My Teachings:
- I teach you how to live in the real world where food is abundant and often not true fuel for your body.
- I teach you how to love your body right now! Not when it is at your “ideal weight.”
- I teach you how to recognize what macronutrients are in your food choices and how to eat them in a balanced way. You’ll learn how to properly read a food label and ingredient list.
- I teach you how to get enough fiber in your diet to keep things moving along naturally.
- I teach you how to confidently make choices at restaurants and dinner parties.
- I teach you how to feel your emotions, instead of eating them!
- I teach you how to eat what you love and love what you eat!
My Education:
● Certified Life Coach and Weight Coach: The Life Coach School
My Story:
Believe me, I get it. I’ve struggled with my weight and body image most of my life. As a child, it was pointed out time and again that I was “a little overweight” or that I still needed to “lose my baby fat” when I was a preteen. In high school, a teacher told me I was overweight. I don’t remember exactly how much I weighed, but probably around 135 pounds. But I was standing next to my friend who probably wasn’t even 100 pounds, so of course, I felt enormous.
I brought home diet plans from school (eat ½ cup cottage cheese and 2 tomatoes for breakfast, 3 ounces of turkey and an apple for lunch. . .) and my parents did it with me. My swim coach in college asked me to take off some extra body fat–I was plenty muscular, but needed to “lean down.” He gave me vitamins to help with that.
All around I was getting the message that I needed to be “just a little thinner.” But I loved food. And I didn’t know anything about how to eat in proper proportions of macronutrients or even proper portion sizes at all. Then I started having babies and breastfeeding and my weight was a rollercoaster ride for the next 9 years.
I tried LOTS of plans–Herbalife, Slim fast, South Beach Diet, calorie counting, Fast Metabolism, South Beach again (didn’t that work the first time?), exercise really really hard and then you can eat what you want. And my favorite of all–just throw your hands up and forget it.
Let me be honest–I was never obese. But I always wanted to lose that last 10-15 pounds. I always thought if I could just look better in my clothes, if I just didn’t have to worry about that back fat I could wear what I wanted, if I could just look like (fill in the blank: my sister, my friend, Jennifer Aniston. . .) then I wouldn’t have to worry about my weight.
Primarily my weight problem was a mental problem. I consistently tried short term solutions. This diet. That diet. This workout. That shake. These pills. But what I never addressed was what my brain was saying.
When I figured out that I can actually LOVE my body as it is, and still want to improve it, my attitude changed. I learned how to eat in a balanced way and still enjoy the food.
Do I have the perfect body yet? Yes, I do! For me it is perfect. It is super healthy, I rarely get sick, it gets me through every day and sleeps every night. My body has given life to 4 beautiful and amazing children and has the energy to care for them every day. Does it look like a fitness model? Certainly not. But I’ve learned it doesn’t have to. I’m learning every day to appreciate all the amazing things my body can and does do.
Are you ready to stop the drama your brain wants to create around food and your body? Let’s connect for a FREE coaching mini-session!